Maria Mor

8 Ways to Get Out of Your Creative Funk!

You’ve set your alarms, but do not want to get up. Eating is more of a force of habit rather than pleasure. Everyday seems like a drag. Your emotions have become so desensitized to the point that you no longer feel. Numbness we call it. The lack of motivation only really leaves room for going through the motions. Smiling is hard and crying is easier. I’ve heard these descriptions far too often from friends, family members, strangers, and co-workers.

FUNK! Such a fun word to describe a foul smell and the soulful music of the 1960s. However when it comes to describing a state of being, the context is different.  I think that the only common thing is the fact that we want to get out of it quickly. Wishing is only half of the equation. The how is another story. Countless self-help books take you on wild journeys on how to tackle depression and anxiety, but none are truly bulletproof. It all depends on the magnitude of your funk and your willingness to take action with another approach.

I am not here as an extension of a self-help book (although I think the ones I have read have been quite helpful). No! I am here in this little virtual space sharing my personal creative experience with you, because talking about periods when you aren’t doing so hot should be easy and comforting. Most often the conversations I have with the people surrounding me are the ones that teach me most about myself. Therefore, with the topic of FUNK I am going to share one short conversation with my friend Stephen.

On yet another working afternoon I texted  Stephen: “I have been feeling really inspired recently 🙂 like getting out of my funk.” To which he answered: “That’s awesome! What are you doing differently?” I texted a huge paragraph with all of my methods, but for the sake of keeping it straight forward I will bullet them below.

  • Wake up early and exercise

    When I say “early” it means early for you. Don’t go waking up at 7am when you usually wake up at noon, because we all know you aren’t going to commit. Small strides my friends!  I usually get out of my bed at 8 am and get active for an hour. Drink plenty of water too!

  •  Dress up for inspiration!

    Yes you read that right. I wake up early, shower, wash my hair, pick an awesome outfit (one that makes me feel like a star), and I court inspiration.

    Getting Out of your creative Funk

  • Eat healthy and energizing foods

    Understand that eating a portion of fruit once in a blue moon is not eating healthy. Again, small strides. I love fruits and vegetables as much as I love dessert so I balance them out.

    Getting Out of your creative Funk Maria Mor

  • Give FUNK the appropriate measure of attention

    I take a look at my thoughts, identify where my anxieties are coming from (my life coach helps with this), examine them, brood for a little or a lot (if I need to), and then readjust. This is not an over night process, so give yourself grace!

  • I keep my mind busy

    Often I read A LOT, I edit photos, write about my experiences, watch inspiring movies, paint, edit some more, shoot (with my camera) my way out of my funk, dance by myself, and listen to plenty of music.

    Getting Out of your creative Funk

  • Meditate

    Deepak Chopra seems to be one of my favorites to listen to, as well as, the Body Mind Zone channel on Youtube.

    Getting Out of your creative Funk Maria Mor

  • Surround yourself with like minded people who want to see you succeed and be happy

  • Take one small action in the direction of your ideas/dreams

    I email/call potential clients or vendors. Start planning my next travel trip and research topics for my new artistic series. Most inspiring book right now: Visions of Paradise: National Geographic.

    Getting Out of your creative Funk Maria Mor

So whatcha guys think? Are any of these feasible?  I think so! Just remember: Creative Funks come and they aren’t going to disappear. They are normal pit stops in life, but YOU can get better at dealing with those periods with more grace, patience, and love. If you have any tips of your own, share them below!


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